School Gateway

Hillbrook Primary School

Be Responsible · Be Resilient · Be Reflective

About The Governing Body

Governors have a responsibility for determining, monitoring and keeping under review, the policies, plans and procedures within which the school operates.

The document linked below outlines 

  • The full names of all governors, including names of each chair of committees, date of appointment, term of office and who appointed them (in accordance with the governing body’s instrument of government)
  • Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interest), including: governance roles in other educational institutions; any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives)
  • Attendance record at governing body and committee meetings over the last academic year

 Governors' attendance information 2022-23

 Record of governors' business and pecuniary interests

Structure and Sub-Committees

Alongside the FGB meetings, two sub-committees meet every term. The sub-committees are: 1) Finance, Personnel, Premises (FPP) 2) Curriculum, Community, Parents (CCP).

 Governing Body Committee Structure 2023-24