School Gateway

Hillbrook Primary School

Be Responsible · Be Resilient · Be Reflective

Hillbrook Highlights

In a large school like Hillbrook, effective communication is imperative. `Hillbrook Highlights` is a fortnightly publication produced for the whole school community. It reports on important events and developments, ensuring everyone is kept up to date.

Hillbrook Highlights 10.01.25

Hillbrook Highlights 13.12.24

Hillbrook Highlights 29.11.24

Hillbrook Highlights 15.11.24

Hillbrook Highlights 25.10.24

Hillbrook Highlights 11.10.24

Hillbrook Highlights 27.09.24

Hillbrook Highlights 13.09.24



At Hillbrook, we actively celebrate the efforts of our children in all aspects of school life with a variety of awards:

Weekly Good News certificates are awarded to children in years 1-6. Each teacher gives a certificate to one child in their class who has achieved well in any area of school life – whether it be academic, social or personal.

Attendance Teds are awarded to the classes who have the best attendance figures that week. The presentation of these teddies supports the drive to improve our attendance figures.

We also use Class Dojo to award children behaviour points throughout the week. The class with the most Dojo points at the end of the week receives a special reward from their teacher.

A Golden Ticket is given by the Head teacher for extraordinary achievement. The children receive this special reward if they display exceptional qualities relating to our 3Rs - being responsible, resilient and reflective.